Can Church Happen Alone on a Mountain?
I love the mountains. I love hiking, trail running, mountain biking, skiing, backpacking. I feel a deep sense of happiness out in the wilderness of the PNW. The mountains sing of God’s grandeur and the quiet of solitude is a comfort to my soul.
Four Things Immature Christians Have in Common (That Means All of Us)
Here’s a list for you: four things I have found, over the years, to be common among immature Christians. These serve as good reminders for all of us, regardless of our level of maturity.
How to Love Your Neighbor During the COVID Pandemic
During the course of COVID, one of the most complicated ethical questions the church has faced is, “How should we love our neighbors?”
The Dignity of Human Beings & the Majesty of God
Dying Christian traditions have built increasingly complex doctrines of the worth and ethical treatment of humankind, while neglecting doctrines of the majesty and holiness of God. In other words, “...they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever!” (Romans 1:25).