Reading List
Editor's note: To mark the end of Dr. Rob Rayburn’s “My Life in Great Books” series, we thought it fitting to compile a comprehensive list of his recommendations—all 152 of them. Dr. Rayburn is arguably the most well-read minister in our presbytery, and anyone who has had the privilege of hearing him preach or lecture can attest to his vast knowledge. If he recommends a book, you can be sure it’s worth your time. Why not print out this list and start working your way through it?
Church History
Life of John Knox, by Thomas McCrie
History of the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, by J.H. Merle D’Aubigné
Sketches from Church History, by S.M. Houghton
Church History, by Eusebius (translated by Paul Maier)
The Spreading Flame, by F.F. Bruce
From Christ to Constantine, by M.A. Smith
Pelican History of the Church, Vol. 3, by Owen Chadwick
The Reformation: A History, by Diarmaid MacCulloch
The Story of the Scottish Reformation, by A.M. Renwick
Light in the North, by J.D. Douglas
A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada, by Mark Noll
History Behind the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod, by George Hutchinson
Evangelicalism Divided, by Iain Murray
Princeton Seminary, by David Calhoun
The Presbyterian Controversy, by Bradley Longfield
The Soul of the American University, by George Marsden
Reforming Fundamentalism, by George Marsden
Confessions by St. Augustine (translated by Henry Chadwick)
Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners by John Bunyan
The Holy War by John Bunyan
An Account of the Life of David Brainerd by David Brainerd
The Journals of Jim Elliot by Jim Elliot
Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis
Memoir by Thomas Boston
The Tapestry by Edith Schaeffer
My Spirit Rejoices by Elisabeth Leseur
Diary by Andrew Bonar
Memoirs by James Fraser of Brea
A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken
Life of Anthony by Athanasius
A Memoir of Henry Martyn by John Sargent
Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot
Jerome by J.N.D. Kelly
Golden Mouth by J.N.D. Kelly
George Müller of Bristol by A.T. Pierson
Jonathan Edwards by Iain H. Murray
Jonathan Edwards by George M. Marsden
George Whitefield by Arnold Dallimore
The Divine Dramatist by Harry S. Stout
The Life of Martyn Lloyd-Jones by Iain H. Murray
The Life of Saint Francis of Assisi by St. Bonaventure
Francis of Assisi by Lawrence S. Cunningham
Memoir and Remains of Robert McCheyne by Andrew A. Bonar
Saint Patrick of Ireland by Philip Freeman
Here I Stand by Roland H. Bainton
Charles Simeon of Cambridge by Hugh S. Hopkins
Charles Simeon by H.C.G. Moule
The Life of Alexander Whyte by G.F. Barbour
John Wesley by Stephen Tomkins
J.I. Packer by Alistair McGrath
John Stott by Timothy Dudley-Smith
G.K. Chesterton by Michael Ffinch
Jack by George Sayer
A Chance to Die by Elisabeth Elliot
William Ewart Gladstone by David W. Bebbington
William Wilberforce by Kevin Belmonte
Justin Martyr’s Apology
C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity
Augustine’s The City of God
Phillip Johnson’s Darwin on Trial
J. Gresham Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism
Josh McDowell’s Evidence that Demands a Verdict
Clement of Alexandria’s The Exhortation to the Heathen
Francis Schaeffer’s The God Who is There
Peter Jones’s The Gnostic Empire Strikes Back
Augustine’s Confessions
C.S. Lewis’s Surprised by Joy
Charles Colson’s Born Again
Don Stephens’s War and Grace
Philosophers Who Believe: The Spiritual Journeys of Eleven Leading Thinkers
John Stott’s Why I Am a Christian
Armand Nicholi Jr., The Question of God: C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex, and the Meaning of Life
G.K. Chesterton’s The Everlasting Man
Cornelius Van Til’s The Defense of the Faith
Colin Brown’s Philosophy and the Christian Faith and Reason for the Hope Within
John Polkinghorne’s The Faith of a Physicist
Richard Pratt’s Every Thought Captive
Tim Keller’s The Reason for God
Lee Strobel’s The Case for… series
N.T. Wright’s The Resurrection of the Son of God
Michael Denton’s Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
Phillip Johnson’s Darwin on Trial
Peter Kreeft’s Between Heaven and Hell
Bruce Lockerbie’s Dismissing God: Modern Writers’ Struggle Against Religion
Stuart Jackman’s The Davidson Affair
Spiritual Life
Thomas Boston’s Memoir
Augustine’s Confessions
Thomas á Kempis’s Imitation of Christ
John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress
Henry Scougal’s The Life of God in the Soul of Man
Jeremy Taylor’s Holy Living and Holy Dying
Thomas Watson’s Heaven Taken by Storm
William Gurnall’s The Christian in Complete Armor
Philip Doddgridge’s The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul
John Newton’s Cardiphonia
The works of John Piper and Sinclair Ferguson
John Donne’s Devotions
Walter Marshall’s The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification
Oswald Chambers’s My Utmost for His Highest
John Owen’s On the Mortification of Sin, On Temptation, and On Indwelling Sin in Believers
Jerry Bridges’s The Pursuit of Holiness
Kelly Kapic’s Overcoming Sin and Temptation
J. C. Ryle’s Holiness
J. I. Packer’s Knowing God
Samuel Rutherford’s Letters
J.N.D. Kelly’s Golden Mouth: The Life of John Chrysostom
Thomas Boston’s Human Nature in its Fourfold State
William Bridge’s A Lifting Up for the Downcast
Jonathan Edwards’s Charity and its Fruits
John Piper’s Desiring God
Martyn Lloyd-Jones’s Exposition on Ephesians and Studies in the Sermon on the Mount
Alexander Whyte’s The Walk, Character, and Conversation of Jesus Christ our Lord and Lord Teach Us to Pray
Klaas Schilder’s Christ in his Sufferings, Christ on Trial, and Christ Crucified
Martin Luther’s A Simple Way to Pray
Book of Common Prayer
Sheldon Vanauken’s A Severe Mercy
The Prayers of Peter Marshall
The Private Devotions of Lancelot Andrewes
The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions
C.S. Lewis’s Reflections on the Psalms
E.M. Bounds’s Power in Prayer and The Necessity of Prayer
Andrew Murray’s With Christ in the School of Prayer
Alexander Whyte’s Lord Teach us to Pray
P.T. Forsyth’s The Soul of Prayer
C.S. Lewis’s Letters to Malcolm Chiefly on Prayer
Thomas Goodwin’s The Return of Prayers
William Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads
Anna Waring’s “Father I Know That All My Life”
John Betjemen’s “Christmas”
G. K. Chesterton’s poems
Amy Carmichael’s poems
Dante’s Divine Comedy
Milton’s Paradise Lost
John Donne’s “Death Be Not Proud”
George Herbert’s poems
Lord Byron’s “The Destruction of Sennacherib”
Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “Ozymandias”
Burns’s “Cotter’s Saturday Night”
Charles Kingsley’s poems
Books likely to be unfamiliar with Presbyterians
Bartolomé de las Casas’s The Only Way to Draw All People to a Living Faith
Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s The Cost of Discipleship and Life Together
Elisabeth Leseur’s My Spirit Rejoices
Simone Weil’s Waiting for God
Books to die with
Pilgrim’s Progress (Parts I and II) by John Bunyan
Memoirs by Thomas Boston
The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul by Philip Doddridge
The Saints’ Everlasting Rest by Richard Baxter
Dying Thoughts by Richard Baxter
Rutherford’s Letters by Samuel Rutherford (Nos. CCXLVII, XCII, and CXXVII in the Bonar edition)
With Mercy and with Judgment by Alexander Whyte (specifically “The Swelling of the Jordan”)
Thomas Shepard by Alexander Whyte (specifically “The Thought of My Fast-Coming Death”)
Thomas Goodwin on the Spiritual Life by Alexander Whyte (specifically “Practice the Presence of God”)
The Cardiphonia by John Newton (specifically “Christ All-Sufficient”)
Farewell by Adolphe Monod
Paradiso by Dante Alighieri (specifically the last canto)
The Sands of Time by Anna Cousin (based on the words of Samuel Rutherford)