Brant Bosserman Brant Bosserman

How Does God Forgive Sinners?

Believe it or not, for centuries the most brilliant human minds spent more time pondering this question than they spent in pursuit of the natural sciences.

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Rob Rayburn Rob Rayburn

My Life in Great Books: An Introduction

Years ago I prepared a list of “Desert Island Books” at the request of several wanting to know what I considered essential reading for an English-speaking Christian.

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Nate Walker Nate Walker

Does God Send Harmful Spirits?

Saul was possessed by a demon that was sent by God. Did the Lord put a murderous spirit within Saul? If God is not “the author of sin”, how can he cause Saul to act in this sinful way?

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Nate Walker Nate Walker

How to Discuss the Bible (Without It Going Off the Rails)

I have used this method in a variety of settings, such as a home group for non-Christians or around the dinner table with my children. In every setting, it has birthed rich explorations into life, theology, and God. Here’s how to use it, and how to invite others to study the Bible with you.

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Nate Walker Nate Walker

Why Do You Need to be Baptized to Take The Lord’s Supper?

Many evangelicals who visit our church are caught off guard when, every Sunday,  we say that you have to be baptized to take the Lord’s Supper. I was recently asked why we do this, and since others likely have this same question, I thought it would be helpful to answer it here.

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Nate Walker Nate Walker

What Should I Do if My Husband is Addicted to Pornography?

A friend was asked this question recently, and asked me how I would answer it. He knew a woman whose husband had besetting problems with pornography. I assume other women in our church are in the same situation, so I thought I’d construct my thoughts and share them with you.

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Nate Walker Nate Walker

Can God Have Regret?

If God is unchanging, how can he change his mind? How can he grieve and have regret? This past Sunday, I received some follow up questions after the sermon on a particular set of verses in 1 Samuel 15:10-35.

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Matthew B. Matthew B.

The Truths We Eat

Several Sundays ago I received a text from my mom during church. “Call me as soon as the service is over, please.” I had a hunch it was about Grandma.

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Nate Walker Nate Walker

Cremation or Burial for Christians?

I was having a conversation recently with friends about whether they were planning to be cremated. At one point, one of them said, "Christians need to think about this more." The topic rarely comes up in preaching, so I thought I'd offer four guiding principles here.

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Brannon Ellis Brannon Ellis

Can These Bones Live?

The Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37 is one of the most vivid prophetic visions in the Bible.

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Matthew B. Matthew B.

God, Why Haven’t You Acted Yet?

Have you ever been in a heated argument and been so sure of your position, but then later, after you’ve cooled down a bit, you saw more clearly where you were wrong?

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Eric Irwin Eric Irwin

Love Other People Like Your Dog Loves You

Some years ago, our dog, Gem, needed surgery for a tumor in her throat that was beginning to restrict her breathing. But after a careful pre-op examination, the vet called to say Gem’s chances of recovery were not good.

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Nate Walker Nate Walker

Husbands, Love Your Wives in These 11 Ways

My family and I have been reading through the book of Ephesians after dinner one verse at a time. It is remarkable how often we can have a rich 30-minute conversation on one verse. The depth of God's Word!

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Nate Walker Nate Walker

Who Is the “Excellent Wife” in Proverbs 31?

Proverbs 31 is a classic biblical text on being an amazing wife. “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels” (v. 10). On reading this passage again this week, though, it struck me how motherhood isn’t the main focus in this idealized description of a godly wife.

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