My Life in Great Books: Sermons
In this seventh installment in our series we come to another type of book that has been published throughout virtually the entire history of Christian publishing: sermons. Throughout the ages, many Christian books have been, in fact, the publication of sermons, often a series of sermons.
Let’s Think About Alcohol
Christians in the Reformed tradition have tended to have a culture of liberty around these substances, emphasizing how they are gifts from God that should be received with thanksgiving, rather than condemned because of legalism. How should we, as Christians, think about alcohol?
Learn Through Your Body: Lenten Opportunities
Lent is a season for the body. Through the imposition of ashes and cycles of fasting and feasting, Lent kneads—through our bodies, into our souls—truths we cannot live without.
My Life in Great Books: Spiritual Life
The great works of Christian devotion are classics precisely because they put timeless truth in memorable form. These books reproduce the lessons their brilliant authors learned from observing their own lives and the lives of others with Holy Scripture in hand.
Sports on the Lord’s Day
As Christianity has declined in our society, sports have taken on a more cultic quality in American life. One of the primary ways we see this is the increasing presence of sports on the Lord’s Day. The NFL, with its giant cathedrals of sport-worship, is the prime example. It is not uncommon for people to spend their entire Sunday not in worship, rest, or fellowship with God’s people.
My Life in Great Books: Apologetics
As our society falls more and more under the spell of a newly ascendant paganism, Christians have more reason to know apologetics and to become familiar with its arguments, first for the encouragement of their own faith, and then for the intelligence of their interaction with unbelievers.
Teen Dating
Many in our church will want a clear set of rules about what is allowable and what is not. But we have to be careful about that kind of thing, because it is easy to create a kind of legalism around this topic, and we have to resist that. At the same time, parents need practical instruction.
The Rule of Faith and Liturgical Changes
Especially in a generation in which Christian faith is in decline and the world is becoming increasingly hostile to Christian faith, the members of our church need clarity on what Christians believe.
A Quick Outline of the Book of Revelation
Revelation is filled with many patterns and deep meanings. It has cycles and imagery, double meanings and careful foreshadowing. It is Jesus’s book of the Bible. And it is the great masterpiece of literary history.
“Babylon the Great”: Interpreting the Book of Revelation
Revelation is highly dependent on the Old Testament and rarely uses new imagery that has not already been utilized in earlier Scriptures.
My Life in Great Books: Biography
Biography adds the weight of reality to the Bible’s teaching of the Christian life. It has the power to make the life of faith more beautiful and desirable than we might think it to be, if our only acquaintance with that life is what we observe in ourselves or in the Christians we know.
My Life in Great Books: Autobiography
We tend to think of our lives as too small to be of any real importance, but the living God is in our lives making them what they are! We are all, every one of us, en route to positions of immortal greatness.
How to Develop (and Maintain) a Habit of Daily Prayer
The Scriptures don’t spell out why morning and evening prayer is important, but we can venture a solid guess: it brackets the whole day with dependence on God.
Help Me Study the Bible Daily—and Actually Understand It
If you are going to get your cues for Bible reading from the Bible itself—and you should—then you would read it daily and diligently.
Get Away to Plan Your Life: A Simple 8-Step Process
How to pray and to think about God’s calling on our lives, and then we discuss how to best structure our schedule around those priorities.
Submission and Headship in the Home (Part 2 -Husbands)
In the Apostle Paul’s mind, the symbol of husbandhood is the cross.
Submission and Headship in the Home (Part 1 - Wives)
For any Christian thinking through the submission of a wife, this picture of imitation is an important place to begin.
Parenting Teens
As we treat them like fellow adult Christians, we give them the chance to start acting like that as well.
My Life in Great Books: Church History
The church has often been renewed in spiritual life because she was reminded of her history.